Monday, March 30, 2015

First Night Away From Baby Girl...

This past weekend, My husband and I took our first overnight getaway together. We had a purpose. We needed a little break! AND we had a wedding to attend in Austin, Texas.  Just a 3 hour drive from where we live in Houston, this is a spot we used to frequently visit for quick weekend trips.

We departed at noon on Saturday and dropped Grace off with my pregnant sister, her husband, and her 3 kids. I knew my 9 year old niece, Anna, would be a tremendous help with babysitting. I felt organized and confident as I left Gracie in the care of the most competent mother I know, along with just one bag for overnight, and the diaper bag, Bumbo chair and her egg, which is actually called a SnuggleNest Sleeper Surround. I brought all her milks and a checklist I made that would ensure I would leave with everything I had brought. This list would help me to look super organized, too! I was proud of myself that I hadn't brought too much. Ha!

So then we left! Charlie and I traveled for a few hours on the way to Austin that afternoon. Guilt hadn't hit me too badly; I only cried once on the drive over...We stopped for jerky and apples like old times, and jammed some good old country music. We arrived at our hotel and hustled to get ready for the wedding that evening. It felt great to wash and blow dry my hair! Of the 2 choices I had brought, I put on the dress that looked the most flattering, and that was most appropriate for this lovely Austin-esque wedding. I knew there would be an element of causality to the wedding, so, I chose the neutral beige cotton dress. I wore heels not flats though, so that was a nice change.

We enjoyed the venue and the lovely occasion..The food was delicious, and the company was great too! I drank a beer and so Charlie had a few.  I ran to the truck once to pump, and stared at photos and videos of Grace. I was really missing baby girl by then, but my sister had provided me with a great Facebook update and several photos, reassuring me Gracie was having a nice time with her cousins. I was feeling pretty good.

We both grew tired around 8:30 pm. Ha! (Of course...#old)  We decided to hit up one other place then head back to our hotel. So we went to a Mexican food joint around 9 pm, shared a margarita, ate a second dinner, and talked about Gracie and some other things too, like life, our marriage, a second kid, people we know, etc. It was some really nice, interrupted quality time that we really needed together. Our plan for the next day was to have a nice brunch the next morning, enjoy a hike or maybe even some stand up paddle boarding on Lady Bird Lake, and then head to pick up Grace around noon for a 3 pm arrival. My sister had planned to take my daughter with her to church, then to lunch with them. It occurred to me Saturday night, that at this point, Grace might be wondering where Mom and Dad were. I felt a little sad.

The next morning (Sunday,) I woke up around 6:45 am and made the executive decision to forgo further out of town activities, and head back to get my baby girl. as soon as possible. I wanted to race home, nurse her, hold her, touch her sweet big head, tickle her toes, watch her laugh, and hug her so tight! This being away stuff is not for amateurs. It's rough! It's worrisome! And it makes you feel guilty! I started counting down the hours, then minutes, til I would see her. I'm sure my husband was annoyed with my updates, "Only 2 hours to go!"  "Only 30 more minutes!"

Then, that moment we arrived at my sisters house to pick her up, (10 am,) I saw that sweet face, she was almost in tears and ready to eat...My sister had just heated her bottle. Grace saw me,  smiled, then burst into tears, which sounds like something I'd do. I grabbed her, held her close, then fed that sweet, hungry angel. I love her so much. I'd missed her terribly!  But, I'd made it 22 hours. I did great! I felt proud of myself for making it that long, without feeling too guilty for leaving.

This is love, people, deeper that the world's many vast oceans, stronger then hurricane force winds, and more tender than a perfectly prepared Wagyu steak. I now believe my Mom, all the times she's said, "You'll never understand how much I love you, til you have a child of your own."

Sunday afternoon we played together, napped together, I dressed her up like my little living doll and took her picture. We had a blast. 


I love my Gracie so much and I can definitely wait to leave her again.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Simple Beauty of my Daughter, Grace

This blog post isn't about how to save money, or how to take advantage of a special offer. It isn't about how to eat clean or a good workout to try. It's about simple beauty of my daughter, Grace. How quickly 3 months has flown by. Indeed, it's true...

You're looking at her one moment, and then you look up the next, and she's a month older. Sweet Gracie Lou is almost 3 months old and we are going away for the first time this weekend. It's for a wedding, and we will be gone just one night. Grace will be staying with my sister and her family. She will get to hang out with her cousins. 

I've been excited to get away, have a drink, have a little fun, and sleep in just a little bit, but I know the feeling I have when I'm gone from her for four or five hours, so I can't even imagine how it will feel being gone from her for over 24 hours! 

My Grace is such a pretty little girl. She has my laughing eyes, her Dad's half smile and his lips. She's got my hands, Daddy's feet, Grandma's legs and an angel's heart. Her skin is so lovely and her little head so edible. I could just gobble her up! 

Holding her is the answer to my daily prayers. She loves to be held and I love how she needs me. Gracie has excellent head and neck control. She can sit up in her Bumbo chair pretty well. She loves to press out her legs, stand, and dance.  She squawks a lot! Little girl loves her voice and tries so hard to use it! I think this child will talk early. 

When she's playing on her activity mat, you can tell she wants so badly to move around and crawl. She can roll too! She's a passionate eater and a deep sleeper. She likes the doggies and LOVES her big tall Giraffe, George, in her room. 

She is the love of my life, the pep in my step, my all and my everything. 

It's hard to believe she's my daughter. What a miracle two people can create with God's help! 

That smile lights up my life every time I see it. She's the biggest blessing and I love her so very much! I think I tell her I love her 50 times a day. My heart fills with joy just thinking of her. 

Even when life seems too busy and stressful, she makes the hardest job on the Earth, the best one in the Universe. This morning, I'm sure feeling like a happy, thankful, blessed Mommy. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stay flexible! Because life throws curve balls like EVERY DAY!

It's important to stay flexible, Mamas,  and I don't mean bend over and touch your toes! 

I mean 'stay flexible' as in don't be rigid and robotic about a feeding schedule or a sleep schedule, etc. Even though some of those things have worked pretty well for us, every baby is different, and not all babies will be eating every three hours and sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old. 

Here's the reality of life. Not every baby will drink breast milk all the time either.  And that's ok. Millions of babies are formula fed and go on to be as healthy and as productive as Breast-fed babies.  Duh! In fact, I read the other day that there isn't a whole heck of a lot of research proving breast milk is so much better. 

However, I'm a big fan of breast feeding. Not like psycho Le Leche League 'scorn you if you don't do it' fan of breast-feeding, but I do believe it's the best nutrition for babies. Its also highly dependent on the mom's diet. So if Mom eats junk, their Breast milk content is kind of junky as well! I also believe, and KNOW that some Moms just can't breastfeed for a myriad of reasons, or decide not to.  Maybe they adopted a child, or just struggled with breastfeeding so much that they moved on...After all, breastfeeding hurts at first, it's awkward in public, and when you're a working Mom, it's hard to keep up with pumping! 

Also, don't freak out if you're baby won't stick to a schedule or isn't sleeping through the night yet...
All babies are different and so are all families and households. I think Babywise is a fantastic book to read, but not all people agree. 

My point is, I think Moms just need to stay flexible. I had never planned on using formula! But there I stood, in the Doctor's office with a growing baby in the 16th percentile for her weight, being told to supplement with formula to get baby girl some extra calories. I really do shudder at the thought of the ingredients of commercial formulas. I cannot lie about that.  I've been making my own batches of homemade baby formula, which makes me feel slightly better, all the while searching for a Soy free brand, (ain't gonna happen in America! Sorry, ladies. The only Soy free brand is manufactured in New Zealand, but does ship to the US for a small fortune.)  here's the link...

Check out these websites for more formation on making your own baby formula. Be sure to consult with your provide first though! 

I'll be posting more next week on this topic...

But back to the subject at hand, we do what we can and our babies are thriving anyway. I mean, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta when you're trying to pay out at the grocery store and Poor Baby is screaming her head off, sometimes you gotta just pop open that ready to go formula bottle of Similac and stick it in the little one's mouth to hush her up so people won't hate you! 

Like my older post stated, about staying flexible with your 'birth plan,' ( I think it's also important to stay flexible with your plan for feeding your child, caring for your child, and raising it in general, etc. Don't beat yourself up if your plans or thoughts on somethings change. It's ok! 

Here's another good example: My husband and I had previously decided, before Grace was born, that we would have a nanny come to the house to care for our daughter while she's so young. And now we are researching day care! See? (Although it still makes me feel better to say 'infant program at a church pre-school.  Ha! Get over it, self!) Things can change at any moment. Just take a deep breath, go with the flow, and be open to doing whatever you've got to do. 
You've got to stay flexible, and you have to make your life work, with the baby now in the mix. 

Moms, this post wasn't for you all as much as it was a kind reminder to myself not not beat myself up. Ha! 
Stay flexible, my friends! Having a baby and bringing it up in this world is an ever-changing journey full of new information, exciting experiences and developments everyday.  Cherish every decision and each milestone, because everyone says how quickly time flies! Most importantly, love your little darling with all your heart. That's what matters most...Not what they ate, or when they ate it, when they slept or who changed their diapers today. 

And give yourself a pat on the back RIGHT NOW, because you're doing a great job! 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Shedding for their wedding...and summer!

Today I decided to pull out all my size 4 cool racer back work out tops from lululemon athletica. I said to myself, "Oh what the heck. I'm wearing this!" I probably should not have gone with the stripes, but oh well, the print is just too cute! 

I'm 12 weeks post partum and I have 8 lbs left to lose. I'm working out and eating pretty good. I'm feeling pretty good-like I'm getting there, but naturally not totally confident about this post-baby body.  Kale salad is my new go-to daily favorite. You can of course, make them yourself or for you Texas Ladies, grab one to go at Snap Kitchen locations or other fresh food stores selling to go meals. I just add shredded carrots, grape tomatoes and sliced almonds to a big bowl of kale. Then I add my own homemade healthy dressing: EVOO, lemon juice, chopped garlic and black pepper. 

My friends keep saying be patient with the weight loss, but the weather is going to warm up and stay that way, and I'm ready to get my former body back. My goal was to look good by our friends Vic and Katie's wedding. That's April 18th! These are our friends pictured below...

Slowly but surely, I've lost pounds and inches. I'm really not doing many ab exercises like crunches or sit ups, but every CrossFit workout is pretty much a full body workout, so my abs get passively worked.  

Starting this week, I'm really going to work on abdominal exercises though, because I've lost strength in that area, and my tummy looks like hell too! After all, it really really stretched a lot and housed a human for the greater part of last year. 

Also, my husband and I started a 60 day clean eating challenge last week on Wednesday. I've been eating lean meats like chicken and fish for protein, and TONS of raw and cooked greens and veggies, (like my poop is green!) Anytime I crave something sweet, I grab a Lara bar. Those are made with nuts, dates and fruits and they are Paleo! Every other day, in addition to my 4 egg/2 bacon breakfast, I have oatmeal to boost my milk supply.  

I'm going mostly grain free (aside from the oatmeal) and dairy free too. I'm drinking tons of water and breastfeeding and pumping  my tail off. A mother's breast milk content is directly related to her diet, so I'm really trying to give little girl the best! 

I'm still terrified to get into a bathingsuit, but that moment is coming. It's right around the corner and I'm going to work HARD for it! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Radha Intensive Youth Eye Gel Review

The hard work of new motherhood is really catching up to me lately! The first 8 weeks, I had new baby adrenaline flowing through my body every day. I would pop up out of bed at night, excited to feed my daughter. Now she is sleeping through the night, but I still have to wake up in the middle of the night to pump. All the effort I have put into trying to be Supermom: Caring for Grace, Working, Working Out, Blogging, Being a Wife/Aunt/Sister/Friend, Blogging, etc. has sure left me feeling and looking old and tired.

Recently, I have been using Radha Intensive Youth Eye Gel.  This product has been really fantastic! It minimizes the bags under my eyes. I love putting it on at night because it feels substantial and velvety, and it makes me feel like I am coating my old baggy eyes with rich, plant-based goodness! It's almost Spring, and Allergy Season is here, so my eyes are also puffy from allergic reactions and flareups from outdoor pollens and other irritants. This product also helps with swelling reduction. Then of course there's wrinkles and crows feet...I feel better about the decreased appearance of those having used this product for over a month now.

The ingredients that make up the eye gel include: Vitamin E (a must have vitamin for the skin,) Plant stem cells, Matrixyl 3000 (for firming,) Hyaluronic Acid (love this because it hydrates and plumps) and Peptide Complex. I can't think of a better combination of things that the skin truly needs!
The product is packaged in a white container and arrived in fine condition. It smells fresh and clean, much like the Aloe Plant. The eye gel is a thick, rich and creamy clearish/whiteish color. I put it under my eyes at night. It says to use it twice a day. I have only been using it once a day. I don;t like the feeling of products under my makeup so I just do the night regimen. So, the truth is, I haven't even been using it as often as it recommends, and I am still seeing results.

I love all Radha's Skin Care Products actually, and they are all available on  I have been shopping on Amazon alot lately, because now that I am a Mom, I don't have as much time to go out to the stores and shop like I once did. Having a newborn in tow also makes shopping challenging...

Here is the link to purchase this eye gel. It is $16.89, so not a ton of money. It's a great value!

Before Photo: 

After 1 month photo:

Give it a try! Good luck!

Written By: Kelly  Gerszewski, Fit Thrift Mom
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Thursday, March 19, 2015

Dish of the Day

Salmon, Carrots and Kale Salad

The salmon was broiled in the oven on low for 10 min. I dressed it with fresh squeezed lemon juice, sea salt, black pepper, lemon pepper and garlic seasoning. 

The crockpot carrots and onions were cooked on high for a few hours in the crock pot down in some water. I added salt and pepper. 

The kale salad was made with kale, spring mix including spinach, grape tomatoes and cooked shredded chicken. I made homemade salad dressing with EVOO, fresh squeezed lemon juice and chopped garlic.   

It was delicious! 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

I'm 33 and I just joined AARP...for the discounts!

Yesterday my husband told me that his client, who is not over age 50, is a member of AARP, the American Association of Retired Persons ( With his membership, he saves money on various things. While I am not retired, I AM always looking to save money. So I started doing research and these are my findings...

This national advocacy group for older Americans has been sued numerous times for age discrimination. Now anyone can join and become a member of the organization, despite age.

I joined today for 5 years with an associate membership (for people under 50 years old.) This costs $63 ($12.60 per year.) With this membership, they do not mail you a membership card. However, you can print out a membership certificate which you can then present to receive the following  beneficial discounts...
  • 30 % off eyewear from Lenscrafters and Pearl Vision
  • 30% off select accessories from Consumer Cellular
  • 20 % off ADT home alarm installation
  • $2 off ADT monthly monitoring fees
  • 10% off car rentals
  • 10 % off hotel stays
  • 5% off monthly bill with Consumer Cellular (
This is kind of a special deal not many people know about. To my knowledge, you can't sign up online. I would call in and set up your membership. You can call AARP at (888) 687-2277. People under age 50 are not eligible for all AARP discounts, but for a full list of membership and benefits, check out this page on their website...

I think this is worth it! There's no shame in this old lady's game! 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

The Halo Sleep Sack Swaddle

I wish I had known my daughter loved being swaddled as much as she does, because I would have registered for this product on my baby registry. I have a few different swaddles,but really love this one! One day I just saw this one at Target, bought it and tried it out. 

It's the Sleep Sack Swaddle by Halo.

They have ample room for their legs in the sleep sack. The zipper starts at the top at goes to the bottom, so you don't have to worry about the zipper near their neck. To make them feel all cozy, spread out the wings, which are nice and wide. Put your little one's arms through the sack holes, then put their arms down so you can wrap them up. Wrap the the left side over with their arms tucked in. Then wrap the right side over and safely secure the Velcro to the back of the sleep sack. There's a little video of me wrapping Gracie up in the Sleep Sack Swaddle on my Facebook page for Fit Thrifty Mom.

To learn more about this product, visited Halo's website. 

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Why use a Dead Sea mud mask?

Dead Sea mud mask:  It smell like dead things; fish, shells, etc. It also burns when it's on your skin. But I love that feeling. That's how I know it's working! It's REALLY a great product! 

I LOVE the oils found in this mud mask. Every ingredient found in the product is natural. I really love that...No burning from harsh chemicals.  The salt found in Dead Sea mud is probably what caused the tingling.  After all, the Dead Sea is just one giant salt lake. 

There's also magnesium, potassium and calcium found in Dead Sea mud. Since Ancient Greek times, Cleopatra and her clan have known about and used the benefits of Dead Sea Mud, and I'm happy to share more of them with you.  It can restore hydration to the skin and reduce inflammation as well.  It fights off acne-causing bacteria. Is that a great quality or what? Heck Yeh! Can't think of a better one! With over 26 vitamins and minerals, Dead Sea mud is rich in so many ways. 

I loved using this mask. I applied it to my clean face, then sat back and enjoyed a warm bath while it worked its magic. Afterwards, my skin looked and felt amazing. It was tightened, yet moisturizer from the oils. I felt clean and was proud of myself for doing something special for my poor face, who I've feared had grown to look old and tired lately.  It was a quick little spa like treatment just got me here at home.  

When I woke up the next morning, my skin looked hydrated and refreshed; I swear I looked 5 years younger too. 

You can purchase the mask here:

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Nature's Most Powerful Multi-Vitamin- Spirulina

Recently, I sampled 3 different products, all of them by Sari Foods.(  

They all arrived well packaged and have all been great, healthy additions to my diet. This is my review of Product number three of the Superfood Bundle, The Spirulina Powder. The poweder was shipped with a protective plastic around the bag, because it is a bit messy.

Product 2: 100% Pure Organic Spirulina Powder

Spirulina really is a Superfood. It is an algae that is high in protein and rich in chlorophyll.  It is loaded with B-12 and Iron and is quite possibly the most potent natural nutrient sources around. It’s basically Mother Nature’s natural multi-vitamin! There are over 100 vitamins and minerals in this amazing product…far too many to list.

It contains Omega 3’s, 6’s and 9’s

This highly nutritious product is Gluten-Free, Non-GMO, Vegan, Kosher, Halal, as well as Herbicide and Pesticide Free.  It's ONLY ingredient is 100%Organic Spirulina Powder.

This powder will boost your immune system and your metabolism. It also helps to stabilize your blood sugar. It will remove toxins from your blood and your digestive tract, too.   

 My Personal Experience With This Product:
I have a newborn so I have quite the laundry list of new issues to mention. I am tired, frustrated, at times overwhelmed, and my body systems have really been through the ringer. This product has helped regulate my bowel movements and digestive tract. It has boosted my metabolism, given me energy, and I believe helped protect and boost my immune system. (I haven’t been sick amongst the constant crud.) I am nearly 11 weeks post partum and have been feeling better since I started using this product recently. I am also nearly done shedding my baby weight.

However, it tastes like pond scum. But if you can stomach, it, it is SO worth it.
My suggestion is put it in with a smoothie or blended juice. That’s what I have been doing. The recommended daily dose is 1 heaping tablespoon.  This 16 oz bag comes with 45 servings in it. Be sure to bag it up in a gallon ziplock bag, because the powder is dark green and goes everywhere!

For more information about this cool health conscious company, check out their website

To order the Spirulina Packet for only $23.95 a bag, or the Power Packed Trio of Sari Foods products, click on the Amazon link below…

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My Choice for Vitamin C Serum For the Face

It's harder for me to get out and shop now that I have a child, so I have been ordering lots of stuff on  I've found a Vitamin C serum for the face that I really like. It's by Amara Organics. 

It is a 20% strength serum contains Vitamin E and Hyaluronic Acid. 98% of the ingredients in this serum are natural and 72% of them are also organic like aloe, dandelion extract, geranium extract, etc. Here is a whole list of the ingredients in the serum. 

The fragrance of this product is clean and fresh, and also slightly sweet.  The consistency is watery, and you can apply it with the dropper that it comes with as part of the bottle. 

I've tried lots of C serums over the years. This one is one of my favorites. I apply it at night and it tightens my skin.  

Aging skin loses vitamin c over time. Using Vitamin C on your face helps produce collagen, and will combat wrinkle formation. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, so age spots and sun damage will be out the door when using a topical Vitamin C. 

If you start using this product daily, you may see results in just 2 weeks, like I did. My friend noticed changes after about 4 weeks of use. Everyone's bodies are different, so results will vary from person to person.  You'll see maximum results and benefits after 6 months of use. 

Taking Vitamin C orally is important too, but research shows that applying it topically to the face is 20x more effective. Because it's so strong and potent, the use of a Vitamin C on the face may cause some dryness or flaking. I didn't notice any from issuing this product, but that's just my skin. Be sure to combine with a moisturizer containing Vitamin E. These two make a real Power duo! It looks like Amara Organics does have a moisturizer in their product line, but I haven't tried it. I'm sure it's great! 

When I ordered it, the package arrived nicely, in a dark glass bottle, keeping it protected and strong. I really am impressed with the quality and integrity of this product. I'd recommend it to everyone! It's an excellent value at $17.95 for 1 oz. with all those amazing, organic ingredients. 

Here is the link to order it...

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