Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Stay flexible! Because life throws curve balls like EVERY DAY!

It's important to stay flexible, Mamas,  and I don't mean bend over and touch your toes! 

I mean 'stay flexible' as in don't be rigid and robotic about a feeding schedule or a sleep schedule, etc. Even though some of those things have worked pretty well for us, every baby is different, and not all babies will be eating every three hours and sleeping through the night at 8 weeks old. 

Here's the reality of life. Not every baby will drink breast milk all the time either.  And that's ok. Millions of babies are formula fed and go on to be as healthy and as productive as Breast-fed babies.  Duh! In fact, I read the other day that there isn't a whole heck of a lot of research proving breast milk is so much better. 

However, I'm a big fan of breast feeding. Not like psycho Le Leche League 'scorn you if you don't do it' fan of breast-feeding, but I do believe it's the best nutrition for babies. Its also highly dependent on the mom's diet. So if Mom eats junk, their Breast milk content is kind of junky as well! I also believe, and KNOW that some Moms just can't breastfeed for a myriad of reasons, or decide not to.  Maybe they adopted a child, or just struggled with breastfeeding so much that they moved on...After all, breastfeeding hurts at first, it's awkward in public, and when you're a working Mom, it's hard to keep up with pumping! 

Also, don't freak out if you're baby won't stick to a schedule or isn't sleeping through the night yet...
All babies are different and so are all families and households. I think Babywise is a fantastic book to read, but not all people agree. 

My point is, I think Moms just need to stay flexible. I had never planned on using formula! But there I stood, in the Doctor's office with a growing baby in the 16th percentile for her weight, being told to supplement with formula to get baby girl some extra calories. I really do shudder at the thought of the ingredients of commercial formulas. I cannot lie about that.  I've been making my own batches of homemade baby formula, which makes me feel slightly better, all the while searching for a Soy free brand, (ain't gonna happen in America! Sorry, ladies. The only Soy free brand is manufactured in New Zealand, but does ship to the US for a small fortune.)  here's the link...

Check out these websites for more formation on making your own baby formula. Be sure to consult with your provide first though! 

I'll be posting more next week on this topic...

But back to the subject at hand, we do what we can and our babies are thriving anyway. I mean, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do...like when you're trying to pay out at the grocery store and Poor Baby is screaming her head off, sometimes you gotta just pop open that ready to go formula bottle of Similac and stick it in the little one's mouth to hush her up so people won't hate you! 

Like my older post stated, about staying flexible with your 'birth plan,' (http://www.fitthriftymom.blogspot.com/2015/01/you-told-me-so.html?m=1) I think it's also important to stay flexible with your plan for feeding your child, caring for your child, and raising it in general, etc. Don't beat yourself up if your plans or thoughts on somethings change. It's ok! 

Here's another good example: My husband and I had previously decided, before Grace was born, that we would have a nanny come to the house to care for our daughter while she's so young. And now we are researching day care! See? (Although it still makes me feel better to say 'infant program at a church pre-school.  Ha! Get over it, self!) Things can change at any moment. Just take a deep breath, go with the flow, and be open to doing whatever you've got to do. 
You've got to stay flexible, and you have to make your life work, with the baby now in the mix. 

Moms, this post wasn't for you all as much as it was a kind reminder to myself not not beat myself up. Ha! 
Stay flexible, my friends! Having a baby and bringing it up in this world is an ever-changing journey full of new information, exciting experiences and developments everyday.  Cherish every decision and each milestone, because everyone says how quickly time flies! Most importantly, love your little darling with all your heart. That's what matters most...Not what they ate, or when they ate it, when they slept or who changed their diapers today. 

And give yourself a pat on the back RIGHT NOW, because you're doing a great job! 

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