Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Simple Beauty of my Daughter, Grace

This blog post isn't about how to save money, or how to take advantage of a special offer. It isn't about how to eat clean or a good workout to try. It's about simple beauty of my daughter, Grace. How quickly 3 months has flown by. Indeed, it's true...

You're looking at her one moment, and then you look up the next, and she's a month older. Sweet Gracie Lou is almost 3 months old and we are going away for the first time this weekend. It's for a wedding, and we will be gone just one night. Grace will be staying with my sister and her family. She will get to hang out with her cousins. 

I've been excited to get away, have a drink, have a little fun, and sleep in just a little bit, but I know the feeling I have when I'm gone from her for four or five hours, so I can't even imagine how it will feel being gone from her for over 24 hours! 

My Grace is such a pretty little girl. She has my laughing eyes, her Dad's half smile and his lips. She's got my hands, Daddy's feet, Grandma's legs and an angel's heart. Her skin is so lovely and her little head so edible. I could just gobble her up! 

Holding her is the answer to my daily prayers. She loves to be held and I love how she needs me. Gracie has excellent head and neck control. She can sit up in her Bumbo chair pretty well. She loves to press out her legs, stand, and dance.  She squawks a lot! Little girl loves her voice and tries so hard to use it! I think this child will talk early. 

When she's playing on her activity mat, you can tell she wants so badly to move around and crawl. She can roll too! She's a passionate eater and a deep sleeper. She likes the doggies and LOVES her big tall Giraffe, George, in her room. 

She is the love of my life, the pep in my step, my all and my everything. 

It's hard to believe she's my daughter. What a miracle two people can create with God's help! 

That smile lights up my life every time I see it. She's the biggest blessing and I love her so very much! I think I tell her I love her 50 times a day. My heart fills with joy just thinking of her. 

Even when life seems too busy and stressful, she makes the hardest job on the Earth, the best one in the Universe. This morning, I'm sure feeling like a happy, thankful, blessed Mommy. 

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