This is a list of things that still happen, even though I have a baby now...
1. I still shower every the morning and at night! You always hear about Moms realizing it's the end of the day, and they hadn't a managed to shower. Hmmmmmm...I still don't understand how Moms can't do this. In the beginning it's tough, sure, but this only takes a few minutes. I think it helps that I never took really long showers to begin with, and I don't wash my hair every day either. Recycling your hair and dry shampoo can change your life!
2. I still respond to texts and emails. I'm not so overwhelmed that I don't respond when someone reaches out to me. I think it's courteous to do so in a timely manner as well. It may be brief, but I respond!
3. I still have a social life. I make a point to go to wedding showers, baby showers and other events, like I always did. I go to lunch with friends too, and of course, hang out with my family.
4. I still work out. No, it's not the easiest thing in the world, but I find time. Before I got cleared to work out, I walked nearly everyday. I pushed her in the stroller. Now I'm running and CrossFitting again and it feels so good! I go up to our gym and work out while she just sleeps in her infant carrier. I also go to the is great because they have free childcare for kids starting at 6 wks old.
5. I still date my husband. Sometimes we bring our daughter and sometimes we don't. We make time to go to dinner and have a drink every now and then too. We do special things for each other like we always did. I think it's extremely important to never become too wrapped up in the baby to not make quality time for your spouse.
6. I still get plenty of rest. During the day, I don't sleep when the baby sleeps, although I've been told to. But it's because I don't feel that I need to.I try to be productive in the mornings and evenings when she's sleeping. Plus I'm not so tired and sleep deprived that I need to lay down and nap. In the morning and evenings I do Wife/Mom things like cook and tidy up the house. During the day, I work. At night, I sleep, and so does she. It's really pretty simple. Maybe I'm blessed with a good sleeping baby. (However, it probably hasn't 'just happened' without out my hard work on the front end with getting her on a feeding/sleep schedule.)
7. I still try to get fully ready for the day and look decent. Even if it's Saturday or a day during the week where I'm working from home, I still try my best to not look frumpy. I wear cute clothes and put on some make up. Just do it ladies! You'll feel so much better about yourself.
8. My house is still looking good and not cluttered with baby stuff. Its by no means spotless, but baby stuff isn't taking over the Living Room. It's contained mainly in her nursery. Our house isn't large so we tried our best not to register for or buy too many things that take up floor space.
9. I still work hard. Although some days I wish I could just stay at home with her until she is old enough to go to school, I think I might go nuts, because I love staying busy and working hard. I'm so thankful for my career in Marketing, and the flexibility it lends. I get out there and work my tail off to help provide for our little family. I think having always had a lot on my plate has greatly helped me to multi task now as a new Mom. It's amazing what I can actually do while still holding my little angel.
10. I skill make time for myself. I have always had lots of hobbies and I'm still enjoying them. Some include photography, shopping (although now Moreso online,) trying new things, reading and writing.
Grace fits so well into our lives and we feel truly blessed. I love being a Mom more than I ever imagined. It's not overwhelming like I though it would be, honestly. Breastfeeding and pumping has its challenges, but my little nugget is getting liquids gold nutrition! Sure, some days are better than others, but most days are amazing. I'm lucky to have a husband with a flexible schedule too (5 days off in a row as a firefighter, and gun owner) and a great nanny and babysitter that help me out when I need it. I'm very happy with how things have gone and I look forward to every day that I get to hold her, feed her, change her diapers and comfort her when she cries.
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