Thursday, April 30, 2015

Baby's First Float- My Review of America's First Infant Float Facility and Massage Spa

Today at lunchtime, myself and 3 other Moms from the Moms in the Heights group met up at Float Baby to do a fun activity with our infants - "Baby's First Float."

Float Baby is an Infant Spa where babies can move, float, splash around and 'swim,' enjoy water freedom, get a massage, hang with other babies, and Moms can socialize! It is the first facility in the U.S. of it's kind. There are 3 others like it around the world. Float Baby is located at Del Monte Drive at Voss here in Houston's Memorial/Galleria area. The business is owned and operated by Kristi Ison, a Certified Infant Massage Therapist and Entrepreneur.

Kristi is pictured below with her new float client, baby Olivia.

Since the Spa's opening 15 months ago, parents have found that babies eat more and sleep better after floating there. It is a wonderful infant movement activity. Newborns as young as 2 weeks old have come, and she has also accommodated infants as old as 9 months, but is more based on size than age.

The babies arrive and a head flotation device is placed around their neck so that they can move their limbs freely while enjoying their float in the spa. They are also given a satin-y swim diaper. This type of exercise for babies strengthens and develops their little muscles. It also is great for increasing mobility. Infants with torticollis benefit greatly from water therapy, and often see increased mobility- often as much as 5 degrees in turning their head after just one visit! Floating helps to relieve digestions issues in infants including gas and colic, and the combination of float along with massage relaxes the little ones as well. There are plenty of bath toys and bubbles in the spas to entertain them while they float.

My daughter, Gracie, sure enjoyed her float session! She loved spinning around and played in the water. She pushed herself off the bottom of the spa and moved all about. She smiled and chuckled. She made new friends and she worked up a good appetite too. She was ready to eat when she got out, and she'd eaten just before we arrived. Kristi, the Owner, also said they might take a much needed 3 or so hour nap afterwards. Sure enough, Gracie did! I am a firm believer that Aquatic Physical Therapy helps ease pain and ailments, is good for the brain and the soul, and is just plain fun.

The facility is just gorgeous! There are 3 spa tubs, comfortable and stylish lounge furniture and a massage pit in the middle where the babies lay on cushions post-float and Mommies can massage them. Organic oils and interactive instruction are provided. There are changing tables and scales there for convenience. The calming, clean white subway tiles give the space a sleek and modern look. The spa baths are immaculately cleaned. You can purchase innovative toys, baby apparel and accessories there, and you an even have your car washed while you enjoy the class from a service across the street! I mean WOW. Hello Service! The towels for drying babies off after the float are soft and warm. I can't say enough great things about this awesome place and cool experience! The babies loved it. So did the Moms!

My daughter, Grace...

Pictured below is my friend Kelli and her daughter, Olivia. They were there today!

Kristi offers an hour long class for $72...a 30 minute float and 30 minute massage for baby. Free coffee, sodas and water are available.

Man, my kid really lived it up today! And she totally should. That little fishy deserved it. She's my princess...

For more information about Float Baby, visit the website at

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

My 10 FAVORITE Baby items! MUST HAVES!

I have to say...I just couldn't get by without these 10 things. Before I had my daughter, I was given a list of what to register for. I kind of just discovered along the way that I needed these things, and now our family just can't imagine life without them! They can make unique gifts too! In no particular order, they are:

10. Daddy Diaper Bag - By: Diaper Dude
My husband is with our daughter just as much as I am. I'm pretty sure he would feel silly carrying my diaper bag, so he has his own! We ordered it from Amazon. It is a basic black cross-body male bag with lots of pockets! Can't beat it. It is $59.99 though. Not exactly a steal, but worth the comfort of him feeling manly and prepared.

9. Swaddle - Take your pick
We have all of these and they are all great! Grace loves sleeping swaddled and cozy. In the beginning, Grace would only sleep if she was waddled, so I consider a swaddle to be invaluable!

The Halo Sleepsack Swaddle $17.99

The Ollie Swaddle $48.00

Summer Infant Swaddle $20.00

8. White Noise Maker - By: Homemedics 
This item I purchased at CVS drug store. What a steal for $9.99!This little device provides the shush sound or rolling waves my little one needs to doze right off to sleep.

7. Hands Free Pumping Bra - By: Lansinoh
I use this bra every day, multiple times a the car and at home. It is comfotable and secure.
I paid $34.99 at Babies R Us.

6. Hands Free Feeding Tools - Take Your Pick
I have and use all of these...

Bendy Armz $18.99

Bottle Sling $19.95

Hands Free Bottle HOlder Bib $24.95

5. Bumbo Seat By: Bumbo
This was a hand me down gift, but I am so glad I have one because Gracie LOVES sitting up!
She can also eat in this little chair because it comes with a tray. It is a great little seat for them before being in the high chair to eat.  She hangs out in it all the time...when I am doing something and can't holder, when she wants to practice sitting up, when I am posing her for photos, etc. This item is $39.99 new. 

4. Pacifiers By: Phillips Avent
Two kinds of pacifiers, for different stages, and I couldn't have made it to 4 months old without either...My daughter is a pacifier baby. She loves to suck. Both of these styles by Avent have been a lifesaver.

Soothies are THE BEST for newborns..they are awesome!  These are often the type of paci offered in the Hospitals... $2.94 for a 2-pack.

Also, the Avent 0-6 months pacifiers are the pnes she now loves. Once she got a little older (2 month and up,) she held these in her mouth well and they worked great for little Grace. They are $5.97 for a 2 pack. The shape works well for her face and mouth and this one seems to stay in better now that she has stronger jaw muscles.

3. Orbit Bottle Labels By: Inchbug
If your infant or child is going to be in the care of another person besides you at any time, where there are multiple children, these are a DARLING must have item! They are silicone stretchy little bottle wraps. You can customize them. They remind me of a rubber bracelet around a bottle. Love them! Great gift idea!

2. Comfort and Harmony Swing
We use this daily. She gets in it every morning, swings and talks to George, her stuffed animal Giraffe. She gets buckled in it. I feel safe with her in this, and It's fun for her. It plays soothing music that we also play for her when she goes down for naps. She loves it and it's just over $50.

1. Maxi Cosi Mico Infant Carrier

This is a lightweight infant carrier and I really like it. Weighing in at only 8 lbs, it is fairly easy to carry around. I am really happy all around with this car seat and it's base. $199

Maxi Cosi now lets you customize your car seat... Pretty cool!

Monday, April 20, 2015

It's a Monday...Just BREATHE!

It's Monday, April 20th, and it sure feels like a Monday. 

I woke up at six something to a wailing, fussy baby who was quickly pacified by nursing. I 'nipped' that one in the bud rather quickly. Hopefully she will have a good day, but my little stinker seems today going to be one of those days? I should really just be thankful she sleeps through the night.

I wander into the kitchen only to find that one of my dogs was really pissed off at me, so he spitefully pooped on our Brazillian cowhide rug. Wow!  That'll be the last time I baby gate him off from us. I'm trying to find some way to turn this situation into some kind of non-negative thought. However, this is annoying and also disgusting, so it's a toughie! 

I'm cleaning up and then my husband comes home at 7 something, pretty exhausted from a 24 hour shift at the fire station. He's tired from working a fire from 2 am til 4 am and needs to sleep. No help here, but I understand. Just be thankful he made it home...thank you, Lord, for bringing my husband home to me. 

I feel the anxiety and stress flowing through my body and hovering over me like a rain cloud. Rain... Like the tons we have had lately that have made my back yard looking like a lake. Be thankful for rain and glad we aren't going through a drought, I tell myself. 

So I dart out to the local laundry mat to use their industrial sized washer and dryer to handle cleaning the rug. 

At least I didn't pay a hundred bucks for a cleaning company to come to the house and clean it for me. I just saved a ton of money. And bam! I think I just found the good in this 'shitty' situation. Ha!

Then it's off to the doctor for my weekly allergy shot so I can one day breathe while playing outside. 

At some point, I'll need to work. I have things to do, people to see, reports to submit, a house to clean, laundry to do, etc. Gotta eat some time in between too...and eat healthy at that, so I can lose these pesky 10 lbs that are really lurking and refuse to go away. Irritation.  Frustration. 

All the while, I'm taking 10 deep breaths, which I am now calling rescue breaths, to combat the tendency for my day to go south, go sour, or turn into a bad day, a MONDAY! I'm deeply breathing in slowly through my nose and out through my mouth to rescue myself from a meltdown. 
Every. Single. Day...It seems like! I'm constantly taking 10 breaths over and over...Because I don't have time to make it to yoga every day. 

I'm going through this life wishing I had it all together, pretending that I do. Maybe I can trick myself into believing that I'm highly organized and knowledge. Ha! 

During these deep breaths, initially I think of how bad certain situations are, how people suck, and how overwhelming and busy life can be. I think of how badly I want change...a better attitude, a less busy life, a bigger house, less bills to pay, etc. Then, as I'm breathing, I think of the bigger picture. I keep telling myself to be thankful. I start to calm down. I think of how grateful I should be that I have a job to do, a home to live in and care for, an angelic daughter to love, an amazing husband to go through this life with, and dogs to bring joy to our lives. Not everyone has these things. 
These things aren't guarantees. They are blessings. I really do have the tendency to let things allow me to quickly become negative, and disturb the peace and joy of my day. 

I then stop and think of how there are people out there in really bad situations. There are lots of people facing illness and even death. These are big things. Dog poop on a rug doesn't seem significant anymore. 

My Mom's friend was recently put on hospice. She's expected to live 1 week. Mom will go visit her in a few days to say her final good byes. How hard is that? And how sad...She will lose her battle with cancer all too soon. But this woman has a great attitude. I need to have a great attitude. Also, My Best friend's mom has been in the hospital since last Wednesday with a very rare and severe cranial spine bacterial infection attacking her bone, all because of some pork she ate while vacationing in Mexico. This is truly awful. She's not doing well. These are BIG things. These are serious things. Everything else is petty. 

I'm a highly emotional and sensitive person. Moody too. But I have no excuse NOT to have a great attitude. I have my health. While I may have a mildly uncomfortable case of Dequariveins and some wrist bone bruising, I'll make it. Be thankful, I tell myself. Take your 10 deep breaths. Keep doing it.  I don't have a simple, easy, always blissful life, but I have everything I need and most of what I want. I am blessed and I'll make it through one stressful day after another. But I need to enjoy each day in this life. Really enjoy all the moments, instead of letting them stress me out! 

I won't get home til late tonight. I'll have to work at our gym after work. I will finally get home from my day after 7 PM, I'll have to do dinner, clean up, shower, put  Gracie to bed and then finally, I'll go to sleep myself. I'll say my prayers and I will take 10 rescue breaths again. I will thank God for all the blessings he's given me this day. And I will hope to wake in the morning. But there's no promise for tomorrow, so I should really keep trying every day to be positive, handle the curve balls as they're thrown, try to thoroughly enjoy each day that I've been given, not sweat the small stuff and be thankful. 
We all should.  Just remember to breathe! 

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Why children should have a pet...

Today, April 11, 2015, is National Pet Day. 

I can think of at least 8 good reasons why your child should have a pet. My preference is a dog, but any loving animal will do the trick, I suppose.

Here are some...

1. Pets provide extra love to brighten anyone's day! A child can further experience love by loving a family pet. 

2. Cuddling with a pet reduces stress, loneliness and anxiety in kids (and adults.)

3. Sharing the responsibilities of caring for a pet including, feeding, grooming, walking it, etc. makes sibling bonds stronger. 
4. Handling pet care duties teaches responsibility and hard work early in children. 

5. Children who are reading or learning to read feel comfortable reading out loud to a pet, moreso than to a parent or sibling. 

6. Children who grow up with a pet have less of a risk of developing allergies. 

7. Kids with pets go outside more! (Playtime, walks, etc )

8. A study found that children with pets had better social skills and self esteem

If you've been considering adopting or buying a pet, do it! It will add joy to your life!

We have two dogs. 

Parker is a 4 year old Yellow lab who we adopted when he was 1 from a Labrador rescue. He's our original baby and we love this active, but lazy buddy. He's obsessed with the tennis ball and makes us laugh. Parks thinks he's a human. 

We also have a Terrier/Poodle mix , Otis, who wandered into our back yard last summer. He is 5 years old. We weren't able to find his owners so we gladly kept him! OTie thinks he's a cat and acts like one. He's timid but demanding. He loves giving kisses and we love giving them to him! 

Our pets get along very well.  They love each other and are the best of friends and brothers. It's truly precious. 

These dogs are wonderful additions to our family. They are gentle and sweet with our 3 month old baby girl, Grace.
They are protective of her and she loves them! 

Our family is filled with so much more joy and love because of our dogs and daughter! 

Happy National Pet Day! 

Friday, April 3, 2015

COCONUT OIL FOR $5 with this coupon code...

Coconut oil is hands down one of my favorite products of all time. It has so many uses! You can find coconut oil at lots of places now, but liquid coconut oil is still a bit hard to find. They have it Whole Foods and online. I have a special offer to share with you gals! You can get COCONUT OIL FOR $5 online with the code below.

If you don't already know, Coconut Oil is naturally AMAZING! Here are my top 10 favorite every day uses (and the most common ones) for coconut oil around our house...

1. Oil for cooking- gives food a subtle, but great flavor! Very good for you! A nice, flavorful change from EVOO...

2. Skin moisturizer - Works just as well as any moisturizing product out there, and only has ONE ingredient. Smells great too!

3. Base for essential oil dilution - Into aromatherapy or natural, medicinal uses for essential oils? Try using coconut oil as your carrier oil! I diffuse coconut oil and lavender oil in my daughter's room (and our room) frequently. It is also my base for diluting other oils and using them for various things around the house.

4. "Mouthwash" and for oil pulling - It has natural antiseptic and disinfecting properties. This stuff kills mouth bacteria and naturally whitens teeth. I did my own month long story on it along with my dentist. I saw big time results. My teeth turned 2 shades whiter in 30 days and my mouth bacteria improved by 20%!

5. Shave gel - Why buy shave gel? It contains a bunch of toxic chemicals...I can just use coconut oil and my legs are nice and smooth afterwards.

6. Bath and shower gel - I LOVE BATHS. I really don't use bubble bath anymore. I pour liquid coconut oil into the tub with hot water, and my skin feels amazing afterwards! Sometimes I drop some lavender oil in there too....(I guess I really love lavender oil too!)

7. Coffee "creamer" -  I don't use milk or half and half, or butter...I just put 1 tsp of this in my coffee or tea, and it becomes silky and smooth, It also adds flavor. It sweetens it a bit too. You don't even need sweetener!

8. Hair conditioner - Coconut oil treatment on my ends for 10 minutes works just as well as the $25 power dose of conditioner from the hair salon!

9. Eye Makeup remover - No need to buy anything else. It really takes off mascara - even waterproof mascara!

10. Formula Additive - I make homemade formula for my little one, because I am supplementing in addition to breastfeeding and pumping. Most commercial formulas contain rancid vegetable oils, but my homemade baby formula contains coconut oil! OF COURSE!

You can spray coconut oil out into your pan on the stove or onto your skin. I keep some on a little glass spray bottle like this...

Coconut Oil is a quality product, but it's not cheap. I have paid $14 for coconut oil before in stores. But I have a better deal for you! Keep reading...

I am an Ambassador for Radha Beauty and they have a fabulous product that I use all the time. It is the 100 % Pure Fractionated Coconut Oil - available for only $5 on Amazon! This is a special deal for my readers. Go to the link below and type in the promo code RCOCONUT at checkout to get 16 oz. for just $5! What a steal! 

Go here-

If you ever have questions, you can always email me!


Wednesday, April 1, 2015

It's Tea Time!

I have been drinking more hot tea lately. I have been essentially caffeine free for 4 years now, and I only have a cup of decaf coffee 3 x a week, (which contains 2-9 mg of caffeine) vs. a regular cup of coffee's (90-129 mg of caffeine.) Many teas are naturally caffeine free. I am drinking Mother's Milk tea to boost my milk supply, and also dandelion root tea lately.

Dandelion Root Tea has countless benefits and tastes delicious too. Here are some of them:


Dandelion acts as a digestive aid in that it is a mild laxative. It is also a diuretic in that it helps the kidneys flush out excess water, salt and waste. Dandelion also improves liver function by removing toxins. It increases urination, which then lowers blood pressure. This amazing plant also contains fatty acids that reduces inflammation all over the body.

Right now, I have wrist injury, so I am drinking dandelion root tea to help reduce the inflammation. It also helps my bowels stay regular.

Dandelion isn't a pesky weed. It is a beautiful flower and food with lots of healing properties!

My preferred Dandelion Root Tea brand is Kiss Me Organics. This tea contains zero calories, is naturally caffeine free, Vegan and Non-GMO.  It also contains Hibiscus and Cinnamon. It tastes great and calms the soul. It does the body good.  You should really try it!

You can order the Dandelion Root Tea here...

The Perfect Probiotic

I'll never be able to adequately explain the trauma my tummy, colon and digestive system went through after having my baby. I am sure many, if not most, of you Moms out there have experienced something similar.

For a week after delivery, I couldn't go to the bathroom. After I finally did, it was weeks before those body systems felt regular again. It was an absolute nightmare. I could write a whole book on "My First Poo" alone! Anyhow, both my Doctor and my Doula told me to take a probiotic to get some digestive regularity back in my life. This is the one I have been taking for a few months, and I am proud to say I am pleased with my bowel movements.

It is the PRO-15 Probiotic by Hyperbiotics. It contains kiwi extract, which is a powerful superfruit ingredient that assists the strains of good bacteria to colonize and work quickly in the intestinal tract, nipping digestive issues in the bud right away! (Thank Goodness!)

This probiotic also contains 100 % natural ingredients, you don't have to refrigerate it, and you only have to take it once daily. Some probiotics must be refrigerated, which becomes inconvenient when travelling or on the go...

You can read more about the company, Hyperbiotics here...

Why should you take a probiotic? Our bodies are full of bacteria, both good and bad. Taking a probiotic can lower the amount of bad bacteria in the body. They can also replace the good bacteria, if some were killed off after taking an antibiotic. They can help regulate digestive issues in the gut. They can also help balance good and bad bacteria. Probiotics, most importantly, in my opinion, help move food through your gut. And who doesn't want to feel cleaned out regularly? I DO!

Probiotics are often recommended hand in hand with pre-natal vitamins during and after pregnancy. It's a really good idea to take one. Probiotics have been found to also improve other ailments or issues in various body systems including skin conditions, vaginal health, oral health and allergy issues.

This product has benefited me greatly. My bowel movements are substantial and I feel great! I have not experienced acne like I did during pregnancy. Additionally, I really suffer from seasonal allergies. I can't take a decongestant like Zyrtec right now, because it will dry up my milk supply. So I even think, this product has helped my allergy issues a bit. Lastly, I have lost weight at a rate I am happy with. I am feeling like myself again, now 3 months post- partum. I have 7 lbs. left to lose, and I am fitting some of my pre-pregnancy clothes. I firmly believe this probiotic paired with a healthy diet and regularly exercise is a triple threat!

You can order it on amazon here...