Motherhood is not a competition. I didn't always know this. But now I do. So I'll say it again... Motherhood is not a competition.
It is not about who had the most ideal birth, the safest, the healthiest, the most natural, etc. It isn't about who need pain relief and who didn't, who pushed for the least or longest, or who didn't push at all.
It isn't about who gave their child the healthiest food, be it breastmilk, homemade puréed baby foods, Organics, homemade formula, commercial formula, etc. Who cares? Did your baby eat? Good. Be thankful.
It isn't about who kept their child at home the longest, or who didn't... Or who went back to work or who didn't. Some people get to stay at home, and others cannot.
It isn't about who hit the gym the hardest or bounced back the fastest.
It isn't about who maintained their social life pr who didn't.
It isn't who spent the most or saved the most.
It isn't about the best baby gear brands, cutest clothes, or best schools.
And it sure as heck isn't about judging or criticizing other Mothers.
It isn't about any of this crap.
Motherhood is simply about loving your child unconditionally and being the best Mom you can be. It's also about being a Mother among other Mothers. Because it truly takes a village.
If you think Mothers should stop being at war with each other, please share this article. Moms, we should stop the judging. We all need help and support from each other.
Motherhood is not a competition. It is a community of millions of women who share similar joys and struggles. It's the best sorority in the world and you don't have to have any credentials to get in. You're born with the instincts to raise a child, and you're doing a great job! Keep up the good work and let's all encourage or compliment another Mother this weekend.
I'm wishing all Moms a wonderful Mother's Day weekend.
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