Fit Thrifty Mom
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Gift Idea for Guys
Saturday, December 5, 2015
'Twas the Night Before Gracie
‘Twas the night before Gracie, and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Grace’s stocking was still hung by ours with such care, in hopes that this Christmas, with her we would share.
But Christmas had passed, and we wanted her here! We knew that “the day” was soon drawing near…
The dogs were both nestled, all snug in their beds, while visions of beggin’ strips danced in their heads.
And Daddy in his jammies, and me in mine too, had laid down at 9, like we usually do…
When all of a sudden Charlie heard pitter patter; he sat up in bed to see what was the matter.
I was sweating and shaking, and stricken with pain, my back was on fire, contractions- INSANE!
I said, “This is labor- we really should go.” And to my surprise, my husband said, “No.”
“We’ll labor at home , that’s what’s in your plan.” “UMMMM, WE’VE GOT TO GO!! I’VE FELT ALL I CAN STAND.”
We arrived at the hospital at half past six. There was no denying- I needed a fix.
My Doula consoled me said “You really should wait. Don’t get it too early,” but it was too late.
I’d already decided, I was getting relief. Or else I would die, I’m not lying, GOOD GRIEF!
Now Demerol ! Now Stadol! I need a spinal block!… “No, Kelly…remember? Just get up and walk.”
On Epidural, On Morphine...”I need drugs to get through it!” While Catrice calmly said again, “No, You can do it.”
She rubbed my back as I sat on the ball... I could’ve collapsed, didn’t feel good AT ALL!
The doctor then checked me. “You’re only at 4.” (cm) Five minutes later, the anesthesiologist walked through the door.
He came to save the crazy lady, thank GOD he did. Then a 2 hour nap…resting up for my kid…
No, the epidural was not part of my plan. But it helped me so much…I was dying, OH MAN!
Just three hours later, I was finally at 10! (cm) Couldn’t believe it was time for pushing to begin!
For an hour and a half, Charlie counted to 10, he was the most amazing husband and coach, the greatest of men!
Then suddenly, I realized, but how could it be??????? The most perfect angel you ever did see!
Her cry, the most heartwarming sound you could hear, she’d finally decided, it was time to appear.
Her eyes, how they twinkled, her nose, so, just fine, her cheeks warm and rosy, and she was all MINE!
10 fingers, 10 toes and a perfect round face, so much hair, so much life, all God’s Grace in ONE PLACE!
That cute little body, not much vernix at all, 7 lb, 14 oz. and 21 inches tall…
My darling, my angel, the love my life…you were DEFINITELY worth all of the pain and strife…
To see her, to hold her, JOY! I can hardly explain.... This feeling of love shall forever remain!
She spoke not a word, but went straight to the breast. She was certainly hungry and ate like the best!
How is it possible that we were this blessed? I looked at my husband with the babe on my chest.
He looked at me too, with a gleam in his eyes… She’s finally here safely, what a glorious surprise!
I was truly in heaven, with her in my sight… “Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”
Here is Grace now at 11 months old!
Friday, May 22, 2015
You'll Thrive if you Unsubscribe
Monday, May 11, 2015
My First Mother's Day
Friday, May 8, 2015
Motherhood is not a Competition
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Dish of the Day
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Baby's First Float- My Review of America's First Infant Float Facility and Massage Spa
Float Baby is an Infant Spa where babies can move, float, splash around and 'swim,' enjoy water freedom, get a massage, hang with other babies, and Moms can socialize! It is the first facility in the U.S. of it's kind. There are 3 others like it around the world. Float Baby is located at Del Monte Drive at Voss here in Houston's Memorial/Galleria area. The business is owned and operated by Kristi Ison, a Certified Infant Massage Therapist and Entrepreneur.
Kristi is pictured below with her new float client, baby Olivia.
Since the Spa's opening 15 months ago, parents have found that babies eat more and sleep better after floating there. It is a wonderful infant movement activity. Newborns as young as 2 weeks old have come, and she has also accommodated infants as old as 9 months, but is more based on size than age.
The babies arrive and a head flotation device is placed around their neck so that they can move their limbs freely while enjoying their float in the spa. They are also given a satin-y swim diaper. This type of exercise for babies strengthens and develops their little muscles. It also is great for increasing mobility. Infants with torticollis benefit greatly from water therapy, and often see increased mobility- often as much as 5 degrees in turning their head after just one visit! Floating helps to relieve digestions issues in infants including gas and colic, and the combination of float along with massage relaxes the little ones as well. There are plenty of bath toys and bubbles in the spas to entertain them while they float.
My daughter, Gracie, sure enjoyed her float session! She loved spinning around and played in the water. She pushed herself off the bottom of the spa and moved all about. She smiled and chuckled. She made new friends and she worked up a good appetite too. She was ready to eat when she got out, and she'd eaten just before we arrived. Kristi, the Owner, also said they might take a much needed 3 or so hour nap afterwards. Sure enough, Gracie did! I am a firm believer that Aquatic Physical Therapy helps ease pain and ailments, is good for the brain and the soul, and is just plain fun.
My daughter, Grace...
Man, my kid really lived it up today! And she totally should. That little fishy deserved it. She's my princess...

For more information about Float Baby, visit the website at